Mind the MPB


Mind the Fetch Engine!



Mind the bike crash


Mind the Bloody Flash Game !!!!


Mind the Unix

Customer : What is the command that will tell me the revision code
of a program ?

UNIX consul : Yes, that's correct.

Customer : No, what is it ?

UNIX consul : Yes.

Customer : So, which is the one ?

UNIX consul : No. 'which' is used to find the program.

Customer : Stop this. Who are you ?

UNIX consul : Use 'who am i' not 'who r yoo'. You can also 'finger
yoo' to get information about yoo'.

Customer : All I want to know is what finds the revision code ?

UNIX consul : Use 'what'.

Customer : That's what I am trying to find out. Isn't that true ?

UNIX consul : No. 'true' gives you 0.

Customer : Which one ?

UNIX consul : 'true' gives you 0. 'which programname'

Customer : Let's get back to my problem. What program? How do I
find it?

UNIX consul : Type 'find / -name it -print' to find 'it'. Type 'what
program' to get the revision code.

Customer : I want to find the revision code.

UNIX consul : You can't 'find revisioncode', you must use 'what

Customer : Which command will do what I need?

UNIX consul : No. 'which command' will find 'command'.

Customer : I think I understand. Let me write that.

UNIX consul : You can 'write that' only if 'that' is a user on your

Customer : Write what?

UNIX consul : No. 'write that'. 'what program'.

Customer : Cut that out!

UNIX consul : Yes. Those are valid files for 'cut'. Don't forget the

Customer : Do you always do this ?

UNIX consul : 'du' will give you disk usage.

Customer : HELP!

UNIX consul : 'help' is only used for Source Code Control System(SCCS).

Customer : You make me angry.

UNIX consul : No, I don't 'make me' angry but I did 'make programname'
when I was upset once.

Customer : I don't want to make trouble, so no more.

UNIX consul : No 'more'? 'which' will help you find 'more'. Every
system has 'more'.

Customer : Nice help! I'm confused more now!

UNIX consul : Understand that since 'help' is such a small program, it
is better not to 'nice help'. And 'more now' is not allowed
but 'at now' is. Unless of course 'now' is a file name.

Customer : This is almost as confusing as my PC.

UNIX consul : I didn't know you needed help with 'pc'. Let me get you
to the Pascal compiler team.

Mind my collections



Mind the Dasher


Biblioteca de palavras, montadas na base do "editor de texto esperto", que busca a probabilidade da próxima letra ou sequência de letras.

Achei no /., perdido numa discussão sobre ferramentas para ajudar as pessoas que não conseguem utilizar um teclado com as duas mãos.

Baixei pro Mac daqui, muito doido mesmo.

Mind the Freeware


Mind Brazil


MÔR !!! Ó NÓIS !!!!

Mind Severino

Jornal O Globo - Colunista de Segundo Caderno:
"Disse-o Dora Kramer com perfeição outro dia: “O PT construiu estereótipos e, uma vez no governo, passou a agir como acreditava que agissem os poderosos: sem escrúpulos e sem limites, tomando como ponto de partida a premissa de que ao Poder todos se rendem, o Poder a todos corrompe, o Poder tudo pode.”"

Mind the MotorSports


This is an easy way to get off on your bike without losing any time on the road. While you keep your hands steady on the handlebars, your female passenger simply reaches around, unzips your pants, whips it out, and starts stroking your rod. Just be careful when you cum, so the wind doesn't blow an eyeful of spunk up into your face. Better wear some eye protection just in case.

Mind the 6 million Dollar Monkey


Scientists in the US have created a robotic arm that can be controlled by thought alone.

Developed at Pittsburgh University, it has a fully mobile shoulder and elbow and a gripper that works like a hand.

Mind the Rugs


Mind the Art


In 2002, Dylan Reiff and Joe Korsmo began tracking the internet activities of Kolin, aka V. Gnome, an 18-year old computer gamer. They monitored and recorded Kolin’s AOL instant messages and gathered information about his friends and family from other sources on the net. Blending this data with scenarios from videogames and sci-fi films, they developed a mythology in which Kolin is “singled out as the savior of the human race.” The story is told in Gem Missile: A Tribute to V. Gnome, a 40-page book that incorporates photographs of Kolin and excerpts from his personal correspondence. In August 2003, Reiff and Korsmo showed up on Kolin’s parent’s doorstep in Chicago. Reiff introduced himself as “Z. Figiam,” Kolin’s “mentor from the future,” presented him with the book, and left without further explanation.

The plot thickened several days later with Kolin posted a detailed description of the encounter to an on-line gaming forum, along with digital photos of every page in the book. Members of the forum quickly added their own theories and responses, which ranged from close readings of the text and speculations about the gender of its authors, to admissions of jealousy and accusations that Kolin had invented the story in order to get a high rating for his thread (which in a few weeks had received over 40,000 hits).

A year passed after this initial contact. In August 2004, Reiff and Korsmo mailed Kolin a package containing a photograph of their meeting a year earlier, along with a note, a certificate, and a plane ticket to Minneapolis. Kolin was met at the airport by a man in a beat up Lincoln Town Car who identified himself as “The Gatekeeper.” For two days, Kolin was lead around the city in search of robots, buried treasure and information needed to save the future. Reiff and Korsmo involved numerous actors and another on-line gamer who, equally baffled, was driven with Kolin to a forest and abandoned there. At some point, Kolin noticed that his new friend had mysteriously disappeared. “I stood there alone in the woods, in Minnesota, with a shovel and a large black locked box, more confused then I have ever been in my life.” Kolin survived the trip and posted a detailed account of his adventure, concluding, “it was a great experience, and I would not hesitate to save the future again, if the chance ever arose.”

Dylan Reiff is an actor and playwright who studies theater at Antioch College. Joe Korsmo studies business and marketing at the University of Pennsylvania. Both are avid gamers and have been playing them together for 15 years. Their installation is titled after Kolin’s mother’s announcement: There’s Someone at the Door, He Says He’s From the Future.

Mind the Apfelstruddel


Colabore vc tb !

Mind the Public Service

Brought you by your fine friends @
A parent's primer to computer slang:

"While it's important to respect your children's privacy, understanding what your teenager's online slang means and how to decipher it is important as you help guide their online experience. While it has many nicknames, information-age slang is commonly referred to as leetspeek, or leet for short. Leet (a vernacular form of 'elite') is a specific type of computer slang where a user replaces regular letters with other keyboard characters to form words phonetically—creating the digital equivalent of pig Latin with a twist of hieroglyphics."

Mind the Rollerblades


Esporte de mulherzinha !!!! :)

Mind the Kitty


eu gostaria de aproveitar a oportunidade e fazer dois comentários a respeito (duas teorias minhas de longa data, na verdade):

1. O mundo pertence às mega-corporações. Eu antevejo num futuro não muito distante fusões monstro que vão nos levar a um universo com duas empresas: De um lado a Microsoft, do outro a Hello Kitty. Ou seja tudo aquilo que não for cor de rosa vai dar tela azul 3 vezes por semana.

2. Esse treco de Crop Circle só cola prá mulher e neguinho lesado. Daqueles que vão entrar na página, ver a foto e começar a procurar disco-voador cor de rosa no planalto central.

Mind the Offer


Pela bagatela de R$ 8.200,00 !!!

Mind the Colors


Mind the Grand Theft Auto

FamilyFirst a parental resource for families who choose to have their 
portraits taken in settings with noticeable terrestrial

"I'm sure that a lot of you parents have heard that from your child(s).  Those of you who haven't may have children who do not have friends named Jimmy, or are deaf-mute, or were adopted from third-world countries and thusly do not have birthdays.  Regardless, GTA: San Andreas has quickly integrated itself into the common American childhood.  By this point, playing this game is as essential and natural a component as learning to ride a bike or waking up one morning with sticky bed sheets. "

Mind the Nerdness

Wx Plotter Fun Tests - Nerd Quiz: "
I am nerdier than 76% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Mind the IT Beauty


Pq que nóis não trabalha com esses negócio bunito?

Mind the Future History


Excelente !!!



Mind the Law


Law 2

Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to use Enemies

Be wary of friends-they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them.

As outras 47

Mind the Romance


Mind the Heat



Como já dizia aquele velho deitado:

Água morro abaixo
Fogo morro acima
E mulher quando quer dar
Não tem guerra no Iraque que segure !!!!

Mind the Projection


Home, sick as a dog


Tou zoadasso....

NeoOffice/J 1.1b - VersionTracker:


Fuckin' X has been messin' up with my fonts, so I guess I'll try this other little fucker once again.

Mind the Change


Carly Fiorina, the embattled leader of Hewlett-Packard, stepped down as
chairman and CEO on Wednesday as HP tries to redefine itself for a new

Mind the Test


Blogando direto do konfabulator..

Mind the PaintBall


That's some serious shit !!!!

Mind the picture


Whether you make business decisions where location is a critical factor,
or simply love to explore, Keyhole takes you there. Quickly zoom
from space down to street level and combine imagery, 3D geography,
maps, and business data to get the total picture in seconds.

Mind the Business

1st post from my Novell Linux Desktop 9.0

Red carpet ran smooth, already got my NX up and running so I can get to my office desktop nice and easy.

Practice what you preach...... In my case, practice what you sell....

Mind the Pig (repost)


Mind the Wolf


Mind the Wolf


Mind the Stress



Mind the Bogus


WASHINGTON (AFP) - A photograph of what Islamist militants claimed was a captured US soldier may be instead a toy figure sold at US military bases in the Middle East, the toy's manufacturer said.

Mind the Short Circuit


Mind the Muppet


GONZO !!!!!

Mind the hunger

"Uma tonelada de camarao, 800 quilos de lagosta, 400 de salmao, 200 de linguado, 200 de atum, 150 de filé mignon, 150 de carne de vitela, 150 de costeleta de cordeiro, 8 mil peças de sushis e sashimis de atum e salmao, 1,800 unidades de harumaki e 8 mil hot filadélfia, alem de 500 quilos de massa fresca e 18 mil paes. Para beber, sao 1,400 garrafas de champanha Moet Chandon, 40 caixas de uísque, 4 mil litros de chope, 20 mil latinhas de cerveja, 2,500 mil latinhas de refrigerante e 2,500 litros de água. É o cardápio do camarote para três noites, mil pessoas, da revista Rio, Samba & Carnaval."