Mind Earth

The Flat Earth Society
The Flat Earth Society is a nonpartisan, non-profit and nondenomination l membership organisation dedicated to improving the understanding of the nature f reality through pataphysical inquiry, empirical investigation and the exchange f idea

While the Society is not a "crackpot" group, it is opposed to the fashionabl , politically correct Spherical Earth theory, which is expounded every day by so-call d "scientists", the media and political leaders. The Society asserts that the Earth is fl t and has five sides, that all places in the Universe named Springfield are merely lin s in higher-dimensional space to one place, and that all assertions are true in so e sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in so e sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sens , and true false and meaningless in some sens

The Society was founded in 1993 by Lee H∴ O∴ Smith, EM KYTP. The bulk of the Society has a trilateral structure, with operations concentrated in North America, the British Isles and Australasia. The Society's operations are overseen by appointed Established Major Figures, with a contact group of three EMFs (one from each sphere of influence) concerned with day-to-day administration. Additionally, some global administrative tasks are performed by the Chairperson Dei Gratia.J

Members of the Society come from all walks of life, and are typically nominated f r merit by current Established Major Figures. Members of the Society are active n many areas of culture, science and public lif

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