GTD - Hack your life !

Du KCT !!!!

Tou acabando de ler o livro, e começando a aprender a técnica...

Nada de novo, em 2000 o cara (David Allen) já era notícia:

"You know the drill. It's Monday morning. You arrive at work exhausted from a weekend spent entertaining the kids, paying bills, and running errands. You flick on your PC -- and 70 new emails greet you. Your phone's voice-mail light is already blinking, and before you can make it stop, another call comes in. With each ring, with each colleague who drops by your office uninvited, comes a new demand -- for attention, for a reaction, for a decision, for your time. By noon, when you take 10 minutes to gulp down a sandwich at your desk, you already feel overworked, overcommitted -- overwhelmed. (...)

Hoje achei esta ferramenta que parece promissora, instale e babe:


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Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Great work! |