Mind Rammstein - UPDATED

Lembra quando você era pequeno(a) e não entendia patavinas do que o seu cantor gringo favorito cantava, e mesmo assim adorava imitar a voz dele?

É triste crescer e descobrir que na verdade a música não tinha nada a ver com o que você acredita, ou com a sua orientação sexual ou sei lá mais o que, né não?

Eu tenho curtido o som destes caras tem um tempo, e hoje me passaram uma versão em inglês de um dos meus sons favoritos: Engel.

Foi uma surpresa agradável, que compartilho com vocês, meus internautespectadores(as):

Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden
wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden
den Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann
warum man sie nicht sehen kann

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehen
kann man uns am Himmel sehen
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Sie leben hintern Sonnenschein
getrennt von uns unendlich weit
sie mussen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest)
damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehen
kann man uns am Himmel sehen
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehen
kann man uns am Himmel sehen
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Ou seja:

Who in their lifetime is good on Earth
and will become an angel after death
you look to the sky and ask
why can't you see them

First if the clouds have gone to sleep
you can see us in the sky
we are afraid and alone

God knows I don't want to be an angel

They live behind the sunshine
separated from us, infinite expanse
they must cling to the stars (very tightly)
so they won't fall from the sky

First if the clouds have gone to sleep
you can see us in the sky
we are afraid and alone

God knows I don't want to be an angel

First if the clouds have gone to sleep
you can see us in the sky
we are afraid and alone

God knows I don't want to be an angel

Arrumei um MP3 cantado assim:

Live in virtue no desire
And in the grave an angel's choir
You look to heaven wonder why
No one can see them in the sky

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear they question why

Goddamn not an angel when I die

Angels live they never die
Apart from us, behind the sky
Fading souls who've turn to ice
So ashen white in paradise

Just as the clouds have gone to sleep
Angels can be seen in heaven's keep
Alone in fear they question why

Goddamn not an angel when I die
Goddamn not an angel when I die
Goddamn not an angel when I die

Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehen
kann man uns am Himmel sehen
wir haben Angst und sind allein

Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein

Goddamn not an angel when I die
Goddamn not an angel when I die
Goddamn not an angel when I die
Goddamn not an angel when I die

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